About Me

My photo
Snap!Shot is a division of the RVN company. Snap!Shot specialises in publishing the photography of talented, unknown photographers and promoting them - helping them to not only begin earning money for their work but also move onto bigger and better things. Do you take photographs and want to get them published and promoted? Email us and we'll work hard to do just that - for free!

Monday, 30 January 2012

Snap!Shot Submission Protocol

Snap!Shot is the photography publisher and promoter of RVN. Any photographer of any level is able to get published through this company in order to help them. Snap!Shot will also promote your works to potential publishers.

Start by submitting 5 photographs to snapshotphotos@hotmail.co.uk. These photos will go onto the facebook page in your own personal photo album. Every week, we will do a 'photo of the week' feature that will help to further promote a skilled photographer.

In order to begin work on your own personal photobook, all you must do is submit a collection of photographs (preferably between 30 and 50) to snapshotphotos@hotmail.co.uk for publication.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

RVN Blog: The RVN Family

RVN Blog: The RVN Family: Following a turbulent month of changes and takeovers, we can finally announce the small but mighty RVN family. RVN prides itself on being a...